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Teachers Can:

  • Collaborate together to design learning by sharing calendars and learning plans with other teachers.

  • Collect and share relevant learning resources.

  • Create purposeful resources and attach these to structured progressions for teachers, learners and parents to access.

  • Run reports on groups and access automated syntheses of student data at different levels of granularity.

  • Make decisions based on actual real-time data, supported by rich evidence.

  • Easily view learning progressions and progress for each learner.

  • Map teaching to learning goals from their school’s progressions.

  • Use their school’s progressions to create purposeful cross-curriculum, rich learning plans, to engage learners.

  • Share external documents and school resources, upload files from their computer.

  • Shift their teaching plans easily to match the actual learning pace of individual or groups of students.

  • Leave guidance notes for other teachers, not visible to learners and parents.

  • View evidence created and submitted by learners and provide personalised feedback or next steps.

  • Mark progress and attach evidence for a learner or a group of learners.

  • See gaps and explore progress and evidence created in previous years.


Designing differentiated and personalised learning is integral to a child’s progress and engagement. However, for this to be done well, it can take a lot of time, experience and resources for teachers.

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